Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Too good not to mention...

The other day,  mid last month, I was on my way to drop my daughter at a birthday party with a friend from school and even though she was running late I took my time and drove her there.  

Keep in mind I was not rushing...I have the whole week for that type of pressure.

So I took the same route I take week day to school. There was traffic but another driver was nice to let me ahead while waiting for the light to change. What happen next was unbelievable. 

A vehicle was coming from the other direction from a turn on to my waiting street as I turned on...

I am not sure who was right or who was wrong but one think I knew name calling was not necessary.

I wonder, approximately 25 years hold  steered at me as  she came to cross where I came on she hung her head out  her window as she passed by and I lowered my window to be civil but she shouted at me to watch where I am going...I responded calmly 'but you were on my side. 

She kept shouting and rolling her car around me to cross to where I came from...I said calmly calm down.

The look on her face was priceless...she was confused and took her a moment to respond.

Guess what she said in her response...B****!

I said calm down the same tone and her only golden response was ...B****. 

My daughter asked me a moment later what that meant.

I had to wonder if I was like that when I was that woman's age. 

Is there a tip...

I could have said 'let us call the police to settle this (the station was right across the street from the light), would you like to call or should I'

Do not tell someone to calm down but keep you cool.